After researching the various 4-place "kit" aircraft currently offered, I narrowed my search down to then Van's RV-10, a Cozy MkIV, and a newer entry to the market - The Airplane Factory's "Sling 4".
This airplane has flown around the world twice since it's inception in 2011, and is developed in South Africa. They have a US distributor based in Torrance, California, who are affiliated with MGL Avionics (I have their EFIS and COM radio in my Sonex). See the company website for more details: The Airplane Factory
I found this to be a very interesting airplane and project. Modern, efficient, attractive, roomy, great range and load capacity. Turbo Rotax 914 UL, giving 120 knots, at less than 6 gph. 1000 mile range and service ceiling of 15,000'.
Stay tuned and follow my built blog as we build our dream project...