3.5 hrs. - Today was the first time I've worked on the Sling in a few weeks, been busy with work and Boy Scouts.
Completed riveting the forward ribs and spar together. My son Liam helped again today and used the rivet gun to pull the rivets for me while I reamed holes and inserted the rivets for him.
To prep the skins I removed the plastic film on the inside and deburred the punched holes with 320 grit sand paper (quick and easy way to do this). Cleaned the surface and sprayed the mating surfaces with etching primer.
Next was clecoing on the left and right skins, and checking the tips for level (to each other).
My measurements were good so no warp is built in to the Horizontal Stabilizer.
Riveted the left skin on...
And the right skin...need to flip the HZ over and rivet the top another day.
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